So I'm running the New York City Marathon ( on November 2, 2008. Let this blog document the ups and downs.

Thursday, March 2

Since my last post I ran 3 miles on Tuesday and 5 miles last night. Both were on the treadmill at the gym and were for the most part unremarkable. I was a little tired for the first 1.5 or 2 miles of my run last night but I finished strong. I’m setting the incline on the treadmill to 1.0% rather than flat since some web sites recommend that and I believe everything I read on the Internet.

My real reason for this post is running music. I’m interested in what people are listening to while running fast on a shorter run or going slow on a longer run. Obviously taste in music will be a big determinant here – while I prefer Gregorian Chanting, others prefer punk, metal, or country.

Here is my ‘3 mile playlist’ loaded up on the old iPod:

Lost in the Supermarket by The Clash
Rock & Roll by Led Zepplin
Hitsville UK by The Clash
So Alive by Ryan Adams
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones
I Wanna be Sedated by The Ramones
Rudie Can’t Fail by The Clash
Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly
Heavy Metal Drummer by Wilco
Dammit by Blink 182

As you can see it nearly all punk and half of the list is either The Clash or The Ramones. I really like the songs above but probably need a change of pace.


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