So I'm running the New York City Marathon ( on November 2, 2008. Let this blog document the ups and downs.

Wednesday, February 15

I have one run in the books for week three. It was only a 3 mile run outside last night (Tuesday) and was pretty uneventful. The bigger worry I have had over the past 3 days I have been worried about my big toe.

I have always made fun of those athletes who claimed they had ‘turf toe’ but I believe that is exactly what I have been experiencing since Monday morning. It was strange that my long run last week was on Saturday and I felt no pain during the run, after the run or the entire next day.

The good news is the foot feels much better today but I still notice a very small, very dull pain when I walk around but it seems to be getting better. On my run yesterday I felt no pain. I even ditched the mp3 player in favor of focusing on how my body and foot felt. I was really trying to concentrate on my heel strike (if that is even a term) such that my heel hit the pavement first then rolled up to the arch and ball of my foot.

I run 4 miles tonight (probably on the treadmill) and 3 miles tomorrow (hopefully outside before work). My trip this weekend to Colorado should more than count for a cross training day since I will be skiing on Friday and Saturday. The 5 mile weekend run might be tough due to the elevation in Denver.


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