So I'm running the New York City Marathon ( on November 2, 2008. Let this blog document the ups and downs.

Tuesday, March 7

I almost forgot. I have 3 things for you which are totally unrelated to running.

1) If you live within 50 miles of Potbelly's stop whatever you are doing and run out to get a chocolate shake right now. I had one for lunch today and forgot how excellent they are.

2) I can type 56 Words Per Minute (WPM). Adjusted for errors it was 55 WPM. If you think you are faster than me go to and prove it. I took the 3 minute test because it is the Ironman of online typing tests. Post your results in the comments section below.

3) Do you wish you didn't spend the last 20 seconds reading items 1 and 2 above?


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