My state of mind is a mixture of excitement and nervousness. About two weeks ago here were my concerns and associated weight of concern…
80% Concerned about left knee IT Band Syndrome (see Iliotibial Band Syndrome)
15% Concerned about lack of recent training due to injury above
5% Concerned about shin splints on right side which helped to cause ITBS cited above.
Today the concerns have stayed the same but the weights have drastically shifted.
60% Concerned about shin splint on right side
25% Concerned about lack of recent training
15% Concerned about ITBS
Basically going back several weeks after a long run and especially the day after a long run my left knee would kill. I didn’t much like normal walking, I disliked even more walking upstairs, and walking downstairs totally sucked. Needless to say it was a serious worry. My shin splints had been holding up okay.
The last time I ran was a 5 mile tempo run (which was CAPITAL S stupid) last Monday night with the Nike running group in Lincoln Park. I had no business running with a group that set out to do 9 minute miles and ended up closer to 8 minute miles. I made it and felt okay after but there was no reason to risk injury running that fast on a bum knee.
Since then I got a massage that helped the knee drastically. While I have not run on it since the massage walking, stairs, etc. have been no problem. I cannot feel any problem in the knee. The right shin however is tender even while walking. In my unscientific personal opinion if you get 3 or 4 miles into a run and the shins haven’t started screaming you are okay. Remember though 16 miles is my record, I have never run farther than that. Unfortunately the marathon is about 39% LONGER than 16 miles. That sole frightening thought has been running through my mind over and over and over again. Somehow I’ve got to block it out and think positive or I don’t have a prayer come Sunday.
Here is the new gameplan. It is actually quite simple. Carbo load the night before, get lots of rest the night(s) before the race, drink a bunch of water the night before the race. Then on raceday I want to dress appropriately figuring I’ll wear some clothes I will later ditch as my body heat and the outside temp rise. So far I only know the shoes, socks, and shorts I’ll be wearing. One fun fact is I will probably wear a yellow dry-fit shirt with my name “DREW” in big block letters. Does this make me lame? Probably. Will it help me stay focused and motivated? Likely. That makes it a done deal.
Again with the negative thoughts … I can see it in the eyes of my family and voice of my parents that they are unsure if I can complete this race given my recent injuries. They have reason for concern and so do I but there is only one way to tell. I will not quit this race for lack of will or effort. I’m not helping the cause now by even typing the word quit in my blog.
Back to race logistics. As opposed to the half marathon when we stuck close to the 9 minute per mile pacer, this time I’m starting out with the 10 minute per mile pacer and holding on for dear life. From what I have herd the first several miles will be wall to wall people and it could take 20 minutes or more just to get to the start line. If I run no single mile faster than a 10 minute pace and run a negative split I will have achieved total victory as I see it. Who am I kidding, if I FINISH THE RACE before they force me off the course or pick me up on a stretcher I will consider the race an unmitigated success.
So those are my strange and goofy ramblings about this sucker. I have hit the gym recently to stretch and to strengthen my hip adductors and abductors to help with the knee and it seems to have helped (in addition to massage). If the knee and shin hold up I’m golden.
Finally, if you have any interest in tracking me, go here…
Also I have learned that I will likely have to travel to Dallas with work the Monday after the marathon (a week from tomorrow). This may be the most painful flight in my life. Hopefully a handful of Advil will help the matter some.
Good luck on Sunday. Here's to hoping it doesn't rain...that'd just throw a wrench into everyone's race plan. You'll be brilliant...rest up and hydrate well.
psst...you should join the running blog family over at completerunning.com :)
12:13 PM, October 17, 2006
Wow - good luck with your marathon! Please come back and let us know how it went!
3:04 PM, October 17, 2006
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